I adapted an old recipe my grandmother used to make by switching to white whole wheat flour, adding flax, and using agave nectar instead of sugar. This...
Easy, healthy muffins the kids love for snack and for us they are tasty, low fat, and the ground flax seeds make them fiber rich! What else can you ask...
Chock-full of sweet ripened bananas and juicy blueberries. These muffins are great for a midday snack or as part of your breakfast. Made with whole wheat...
Cushaw squash is prevalent in the South but is just as versatile as pumpkin. These muffins make a great breakfast on the go or a quick snack and can be...
These hearty and healthy muffins showcase the tangy flavor of wild huckleberries and hearty flavor of whole wheat and oats. Guilt-free and satisfying breakfast...
Don't throw away the carrot pulp after you juice those organic carrots! This is a great use for that pulp that many people throw away. Make this recipe...
This is a favorite among my teenage athletes for a before-practice snack. I fill baggies with these and throw them in the freezer. The kids grab a baggie...
There are high fiber, moist, light, tasty, quick, and simple to make--great when you're on the go in the morning. All the makings of a fantastic breakfast...
This recipe was devised when I had a lot of limes on hand. I'm sure you could use any citrus fruit you like. The key is using healthy ingredients! This...
This exotic combination of dried mango and candied ginger is so good you'll forget that it is good for you. The coconut sprinkled on top gives an extra...
After many attempts to get this just right, this is what transpired. I ran a B&B called Bumbleberry Inn and made these muffins every morning to my guests'...
These cakey, moist muffins taste great and are a wonderful breakfast treat. They are low fat and low sugar. You may want to double this recipe. These muffins...
These jumbo muffins are packed full of blueberries! While they can be made into regular size muffins, I prefer jumbo muffins, especially because most people...
Loving whole grain muffins and having a wonderful plum tree led to this recipe, my first submitted to AllRecipes. I hope you like it. I use Santa Rosa...
I received free blueberries recently. I admit I never actually tasted a real one before. Always the boxed muffin kind. I loved them. Recently switched...
Easy, healthy muffins the kids love for snack and for us they are tasty, low fat, and the ground flax seeds make them fiber rich! What else can you ask...
Chock-full of sweet ripened bananas and juicy blueberries. These muffins are great for a midday snack or as part of your breakfast. Made with whole wheat...
While I was creating this recipe, I wanted to incorporate the ingredients that really bring out the flavor of blueberries. For me, this is lemon zest,...